Major Hazard Facilities (MHF) Assessments.

Operators of MHFs are faced with significant challenges when it comes to complying with strict legislative requirements, maintaining a safe environment for their workers and the broader community, and ensuring their processes and plant are reliable and efficient to meet economic pressures. Internationally, MHFs are predominately regulated under what is known as the Safety Case Regime. The Safety Case Regime is a performance-based framework for operators of MHFs to demonstrate that adequate, effective and reliable control measures are in place to reduce risks of major accidents to ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ (ALARP).

Over the past four decades, our engineers have been assisting MHF operators and regulatory authorities across the globe with undertaking MHF Risk Assessments, developing and implementing safety cases, and obtaining licenses for MHFs across a broad range of highly hazardous industries. Our clients choose to work with us, not only because of our years of experience, but mainly because of our hands-on, pragmatic and consultative approach. Most of our engineers have worked as operators in hazardous chemical plants across various industries, and therefore have an in-depth understanding of the complexities involved operating hazardous chemical plants on a day-to-day basis.

An important aspect of our approach includes the application of industry leading tools and software to quantify and analyse risk associated with MHFs, such as offsite risks posed by potential fires, explosions and toxic gas dispersion. Our engineers, however, do not blindly accept the output of these models without scrutinising every input, validating correlations used, and outputs generated. Our philosophy is “if you cannot do the math yourself, you don’t have a license to use the software”.

What We Offer.

  • Safety Case Development and Formal Safety Assessment (FSA)
  • Safety Audits
  • Risk Assessments
  • Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRA) and Qualitative Risk Assessments
  • Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP)
  • ALARP Demonstration
  • SIL Verification and Validation
  • Functional Safety Engineer
  • Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
  • Reliability Engineering (RAM)
  • Incident Investigations
  • Emergency Response Plans
  • Fire Safety Studies
  • Fire, Explosion and Toxic Gas Dispersion Modelling Safety Management Systems
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